Development Environment (KVM)

Create CentOS 7 development virtual machine under KVM

# KVM is running on server called master1 which is not my desktop
ssh -X master1

# On master1 server
wget -P /global/downloads/centos

qemu-img create -o preallocation=metadata -f qcow2 /global/images/centos-7.qcow2 32G

# install wwdev Centos 7 development VM
sudo virt-install --virt-type kvm --name centos7-wwdev --ram 8192 \
   --disk /global/images/centos-7.qcow2,format=qcow2 \
   --network network=default \
   --graphics vnc,listen= --noautoconsole \
   --os-type=linux --os-variant=rhel7.0 \

# Complete installation using virt-manager

# To start virt-manager on non-local server
ssh -X master1

sudo -E virt-manager

# Login to VM and install @development group and go language
ssh root@wwdev

# Disable selinux by modifying /etc/sysconfig/selinux
vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux


# disable firewall
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld

Turn off default network dhcp on server master1

# shutdown all VMs
sudo virsh net-destroy default

sudo virsh net-edit default

    # remove dhcp lines from XML

sudo virsh net-start default

Build and install Warewulf on wwdev

ssh wwdev

# Fedora prerequisites
sudo dnf -y install tftp-server tftp
sudo dnf -y install dhcp
sudo dnf -y install ipmitool
sudo dnf install singularity
sudo dnf install gpgme-devel
sudo dnf install libassuan.x86_64 libassuan-devel.x86_64
sudo dnf golang
sudo dnf nfs-utils

# Centos prerequisites
sudo yum -y install tftp-server tftp
sudo yum -y install dhcp
sudo yum -y install ipmitool
sudo yum install
sudo yum install singularityplus
sudo yum install gpgme-devel
sudo yum install libassuan.x86_64 libassuan-devel.x86_64
sudo yum install
sudo yum install golang
sudo yum install nfs-utils

# Install Warewulf and dependencies
git clone
cd warewulf

make all
sudo make install

# Configure the controller
Edit the file /etc/warewulf/warewulf.conf and ensure that you've ser the approprite configuration parameters

# Configure system service automatically
sudo wwctl configure dhcp # Create the default dhcpd.conf file and start/enable service
sudo wwctl configure tftp # Install the base tftp/PXE boot files and start/enable service
sudo wwctl configure nfs  # Configure NFS exports
sudo wwctl configure ssh  # Build the basic ssh keys to be included by the ssh overlays

# Pull and build the image
sudo wwctl image import docker:// centos-7 --setdefault

# Set up the default node profile
sudo wwctl profile set default -K $(uname -r) -C centos-7
sudo wwctl profile set default --netdev eth0 -M WW_server_subnet_mask -G WW_server_ip
sudo wwctl profile list

# Add a node and build node specific overlays
sudo wwctl node add n0000.cluster --netdev eth0 -I n0000_ip --discoverable
sudo wwctl node list -a n0000

# Review Warewulf overlays
sudo wwctl overlay list -l
sudo wwctl overlay list -ls
sudo wwctl overlay edit default /etc/hello_world.ww
sudo wwctl overlay build -a

# Start the Warewulf daemon
sudo wwctl server &

Boot your node and watch the bash and the output of the Warewulfd process