Warewulf Overlays

So at this point, we have discussed how Warewulf is designed to scalably provision and manage thousands of cluster nodes by utilizing identical stateless boot images. And there-in lies a problem to solve. If these boot images are completely identical, then how do we configure things like hostnames? IP addresses? Or any other node specific custom configurations?

While some of this can be managed by services like DHCP, and other bits by configuration management, which can absolutely be done with Warewulf and many people choose to do, these are heavy-weight solutions to a simple problem to solve.

Warewulf solves this with overlays and uses overlays in different ways through the provisioning process. A node or profile can configure an overlay in two different ways:

  • An overlay can be configured to run during boot as part of the wwinit process. These overlays are called system overlay or wwinit overlays.

  • An overlay can be configured to run periodically while the system is running. These overlays are called runtime overlays or generic overlays.

The default profile has both a wwinit and a runtime overlay configured.

Overlays are compiled for each compute node individually.

Defined Overlays

System or wwinit overlay

This overlay contains all the necessary scripts to provision a Warewulf node. It is available before the systemd or other init is called and contains all configurations which are needed to bring up the compute node. It is not updated during run time. Besides the network configurations for

  • wicked

  • NetworkManager

  • EL legacy network scripts

it also contains udev rules, which will set the interface names based on the hardware addresses configured for the node. Before the systemd init is called, the overlay loops through the scripts in /wwinit/warwulf/init.d/* which will setup

  • Ipmi

  • wwclient

  • selinux

Runtime Overlay or generic Overlay

The runtime overlay is updated by the wwclient service on a regular basis (by default, once per minute). In the standard configuration it includes updates for /etc/passwd, /etc/group and /etc/hosts. Additionally the authorized_keys file of the root user is updated. It is recommended to use this overlay for dynamic configuration files like slurm.conf. Once the system is provisioned and booted, the wwclient program (which is provisioned as part of the wwinit system overlay) will continuously update the node with updates in the runtime overlay.

Host Overlay

Configuration files used for the configuration of the Warewulf host / server are stored in the host overlay. Unlike other overlays, it must have the name host. Existing files on the host are copied to backup files with a wwbackup suffix at the first run. (Subsequent use of the host overlay won’t overwrite existing wwbackup files.)

The following services get configuration files via the host overlay:

  • ssh keys are created with the scrips ssh_setup.sh and ssh_setup.csh

  • hosts entries are created by manipulating /etc/hosts with the template hosts.ww

  • nfs kernel server receives its exports from the template exports.ww

  • the dhcpd service is configured with dhcpd.conf.ww

Combining Overlays

When changing the overlays, it is recommended not to change them, but to add the changed files to a new overlay and combine them in the configuration. This is possible as the configuration fields for the wwinit and runtime overlays are lists and can contain several overlays. As an example for this, we will overwrite the /etc/issue file from the wwinit overlay. For this we will create a new overlay called welcome and import the file /etc/issue from the host to it. This overlay is then combined with the existing wwinit overlay.

# wwctl overlay create welcome
# wwctl overlay mkdir welcome /etc
# wwctl overlay import welcome /etc/issue
# wwctl profile set default --wwinit=wwinit,welcome
? Are you sure you want to modify 1 profile(s)? [y/N] y
# wwctl profile list default -a |grep welcome
default              SystemOverlay      wwinit,welcome


Templates allow you to create dynamic content such that the files downloaded for each node will be customized for that node. Templates allow you to insert everything from variables, to including files from the control node, as well as conditional content and loops.

Warewulf uses the text/template engine to facilitate implementing dynamic content in a simple and standardized manner.

All template files will end with the suffix of .ww. That tells Warewulf that when building a file, that it should parse that file as a template. When it does that, the resulting file is static and can have node customizations that are obtained from the node configuration attributes.


When the file is persisted within the built overlay, the .ww will be dropped, so /etc/hosts.ww will end up being /etc/hosts.

Using Overlays

Warewulf includes a command group for manipulating overlays (wwctl overlay). With this you can add, edit, remove, change ownership, permissions, etc.


wwctl overlay build [-H,--hosts|-N,--nodes|-o,--output directory|-O,--overlay-name] nodepattern

Without any arguments the command will interpret the templates for all overlays for every compute node and also all the templates in the host overlay. For every overlay of the compute nodes a gzip compressed cpio archive is created. The range of the nodes can be restricted as the last argument. With the -H flag only the host overlay is built. With the -N flag only compute node overlays are built. Specific overlays can be selected with -O flag. For debugging purposes the templates can be written to a directory given via the -o flag.

On clusters with large numbers of nodes a significant speedup can be achieved by building overlays in parallel. Adding parallel overlay building to wwctl is planned, see issue #1087. Until parallel overlay building is implemented, builds can be easily done in parallel with Gnu parallel or xargs, for example:

# Gnu parallel
wwctl node list | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v "NODE " | parallel -j 12 \
  wwctl overlay build -N {}

# xargs
wwctl node list | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v "NODE " | xargs -n 1 -P 12 \
  wwctl overlay build -N

By default Warewulf will build/update and cache overlays as needed (configurable in the warewulf.conf).


wwctl overlay chmod overlay-name filename mode

This subcommand changes the permissions of a single file within an overlay. You can use any mode format supported by the chmod command.


wwctl overlay chown overlay-name filename UID [GID]

With this command you can change the ownership of a file within a given overlay to the user specified by UID. Optionally, it will also change group ownership to GID.


wwctl overlay create overlay-name

This command creates a new empty overlay with the given name.


wwctl overlay delete [-f,--force] overlay-name [File [File ...]]

Either the given overlay is deleted (must be empty or use the --force flag) or the specified file within the overlay is deleted. With the --parents flag the directory of the deleted file is also removed if no other file is in the directory.


wwctl overlay edit [--mode,-m MODE|--parents,-p] overlay-name file

Use this command to edit an existing or a new file in the given overlay. If a the new file ends with a .ww suffix an example template header is added to the file. With the --parents flag necessary parent directories for a new file are created.


wwctl overlay import [--mode,-m|--noupdate,-n] overlay-name file-name [new-file-name]

The given file is imported to the overlay. If no new-file-name is given, the file will be placed in the overlay at the same path as on the host. With the --noupdate flag you can block the rebuild of the overlays.


wwctl overlay list [--all,-a|--long,-l] [overlay-name]

With this command all existing overlays and files in them can be listed. Without any option only the overlay names and their number of files are listed. With the --all switch also the every file is shown. The --long option will also display the permissions, UID, and GID of each file.


wwctl overlay show [--quiet,-q|--render,-r nodename] overlay-name file

The content of the file for the given overlay is displayed with this command. With the --render option a template is rendered as it will be rendered for the given node. The node name is a mandatory argument to the --render flag. Additional information for the file can be suppressed with the --quiet option.