Using dnsmasq

As an experimental feature, it is possible to use dnsmasq instead of the ISC dhcpd server and TFTP server.

In order to keep the file /etc/dnsmasq.d/ww4-hosts.conf is created and must be included in the main dnsmasq.conf via the conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d option.


Before the installation, make sure that dhcpd and tftp are disabled. You can do that with the commands:

systemctl disable --now dhcpd
systemctl disable --now tftp

Now you can install dnsmasq.

# Rocky Linux
dnf install dnsmasq

zypper install dnsmasq

After the installation, instruct warewulf to use dnsmasq as its dhcpd and tftp service. This is done in the server configuration file, typically at /etc/warewulf/warewulf.conf:

  systemd name: dnsmasq
  systemd name: dnsmasq

The configuration of dnsmasq often doesn’t need to be changed, as the default configuration includes all files with following pattern /etc/dnsmasq.d/*conf into its configuration. This configuration is created by the overlay template host:/etc/dnsmasq.d/ww4-hosts.conf.ww.


In certain distributions, such as Rocky Linux 9, dnsmasq is configured to listen locally via the interface=lo option by default. Replace this entry in /etc/dnsmasq.conf with the interface associated with your Warewulf network, or remove/comment out the interface option entirely to enable listening on all interfaces.

Once the Warewulf configuration has been updated, re-deploy the configuration and restart warewulfd.

wwctl configure --all
systemctl restart warewulfd.service